IMS was founded by Al Rais Group in the year 1982 who have marked their foot-prints as leader in the field of Travel agency, Construction & Contracting, Electrical & Electronics products, Real Estate, Ecommerce, Gaming business, Trading Retailing of Household Products. IMS is strongly oriented towards honesty and integrity on a commitment to the highest standards of legal and ethical conduct.

Social Media Marketing

We pursue relationships based on transparency, persistence, mutual trust, and integrity with our employees, customers and other business partners.


To be the most valued & respected business partners with our vendors and customers creating solutions with increased revenue and profitability..


Years Of Experience




Sales Representative


Team Members

Message from the Board of Directors

During our vast years of experience, We evolved, grew, and adjusted our strategy and organization to the market's evolution, investing on our business' diversification and internationalization, and always appreciating the efforts of our employees who are always hands on to satisfy our clients' needs on a daily basis. We believe in providing exceptional services & business growth in the interest of both supplier and buyers. This reality would not be possible without the professionalism and determination of all employees, clients, suppliers and other entities with whom we daily work.

Our Partners